SEL Competency: Relationship Skills Print

What are Relationship Skills ?

What are Relationship Skills ?
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Educators » » Relationship Skills Family Resources on What are Relationship Skills ?Project and Purpose In class students learned the definition of relationship skills. Students played a game called “The Great Debate!” where they had to make choices and practice disagreeing with each other Share this Link [...]


Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on FriendshipProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching whole life learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]


Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on CooperationProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching whole life learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being for self and [...]

Caring in the Classroom

Caring in the Classroom
Educators » Preschool (PreK-2) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Caring in the ClassroomProject and Purpose By explicitly teaching whole life learning skills while honoring diverse identities, creating a sense of belonging, and promoting student agency toward personal growth and social impact, the teacher better creates a classroom environment that fosters well-being [...]

Stand by Me

Stand by Me
Educators » Elementary (3-5) » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Stand by MeProject and Purpose Students analyze the criteria for being “cool.” Essential Questions How do others help us and how do we help others stand up to peers who try to pressure us to make bad choices like using drugs or [...]

Talk to Your Folks

Talk to Your Folks
Educators » High School » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Relationships: Talk to Your FolksProject and Purpose In groups, students analyze portions of an article and demonstrate using frameworks for talking with parents and adults. Essential Questions What are some strategies for having meaningful conversations with parents and adults? Share this Link [...]

Relational Aggression: Mean Girls/Mean Boys

Relational Aggression: Mean Girls/Mean Boys
Educators » High School » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Relationships: Relational AggressionProject and Purpose Students analyze poetry to identify the signs of relational aggression and create a plan for combatting relational aggression in their own lives Essential Questions Why do people participate in relational aggression and what can we do to [...]

Using “I” Statements

Using “I” Statements
Educators » High School » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Using “I” StatementsProject and Purpose One technique for respectful communication in relationships is the use “I” statements, students will practice using “I” statements in the context of an intimate relationship. Essential Questions How can we prevent unnecessary conflict in an intimate relationship [...]

Personal Beliefs in a Relationship

Personal Beliefs in a Relationship
Educators » High School » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Personal Beliefs in a RelationshipProject and Purpose Different people have different beliefs and values, students will participate in an activity to learn how remain respectful in an intimate relationship when a partner has differing values. Essential Questions What values should be a [...]

Marriage in Different Cultures

Marriage in Different Cultures
Educators » High School » Relationship Skills Print Relationship Skills Family Resources on Marriage in Different CulturesProject and Purpose People from different cultural backgrounds may find additional difficulties in an intimate relationship, students will participate in a cultural competence activity to consider how to work out cultural differences Essential Questions What are healthy questions for [...]
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