Responsible Decision-Making
Family Resources on Post-Secondary Options
Lesson Topic
Students explore post-secondary options and discuss different career paths.
Essential Question
What are the factors I should consider when I make decisions about my post-secondary future?
Post-Secondary Options – Gunn/Vishnu
If this lesson was used in the classroom: Students considered how to approach decision making for their post-secondary lives. In class students discussed ways to find out more about their own post-secondary decisions. In groups students used scenarios about other students who are being faced with post-secondary decisions, using these scenarios groups developed plans for making the decisions to prepare for life after high school.
Getting Ready for the Conversation
The video for this module features Grayson and Vishnu and their approaches to determining what each wanted to do after high school. Each discusses their thoughts on making decisions about career choices.
Conversation notes:
One of the most difficult questions facing high school aged students is, “What do I do after graduation?”. Almost every decision in high school, from classes to take in 9th grade, to choices about non-academic activities can have implications for the future and many adolescents are anxious, confused and stressed by these decisions. Because society and the workplace has changed so much in the 21st century, parents and mentors can be just as confused.
Frequent conversations are essential. In addition to the conversation starters below, the national youth transitions center offers key questions to ask about post-secondary options at:
The New Hampshire Department of Education maintains the “Education options after high school toolkit” found at:
Constructive Conversation Starters
The first item is for follow-up after viewing the lesson video and participating in class activities.
Tell about the scenario your group considered. What plan did you come up with for the person? Why did your group make the decisions you did?
If graduation were tomorrow, what would you do next?
Assess your current plans for what you want to do after high school. What activities would help prepare you? What research do you need to do over the next month? Over the next year? Why?
What are some post-secondary options you have not considered before? Why is it important to have a wide range of experiences?
Choose an interest you currently have and research this interest. How many different career options could you find for people with this interest? Were you surprised by any of these? Why or why not? Let’s talk about it when your research is done.
School to Home Resources on Post-Secondary Options
Lesson Plan
Interactive Reflections and Lesson Plans often cover broader themes than the competency named. All CWK stories are multi-faceted and are meant to prompt deep conversation.
Interactive Reflection > Open/Download Complete PDF Lesson
Making decisions
In the video, Ms. Gunn (Grayson’s mother) says, “I didn’t want him to go… but you have to”. What did she mean? Why do parents worry about the decisions their teenage and young adult children make?
The culture teens face today
Dr. Lochridge says, “they [teens] become anxious… they become worriers”. Do you agree with his assessment of the culture teens face today? Why or why not?
Importance of hands-on experience
Vishnu says, “if you want to go into medicine or something, you can learn facts all you want; but until you’re in a hospital you won’t really experience what it’s like”. Why is experience important? Choose something that you are interested in and develop a plan for how to gain experience to test out if this is something you would really like to do in the future. What factors can help you decide if this is a good fit for you? Why?
Listening to others and yourself

What do you think Steve Jobs meant? What does it say about a person’s skills at listening to others?
Additional Reflection Questions > Open/Download PDF